Cosmology and Astronomy Researchers of Indian Nationality And sisters
Check out our website: 

We started a wonderful network of about 300+ accomplished women in cosmology, astrophysics, astronomy and all the related disciplines (distribution from the network given below at a nascent stage of the forum). Our  newsletter series is out (4th edition comes next) and we are organising science colloquium series regularly (11th colloquium comes next) ! There are several other initiatives underway, organised by the members of this forum at the moment (e.g., "Galpal" - provides support for members at every stage by members at a senior stage). 

I'm currently most involved with monthly astrophysics seminar organisation+hosting and the editorial+organisation of our newsletters. I'm also the primary suspect behind the humour column in our newsletters! 

write to us at
twitter: @we_the_carinas

Response from 145 members below: