Research interest: Theoretical/computational Astrophysics & Plasma Physics (primary), Multiwavelength studies of circumgalactic medium (secondary)
Some movies from earlier works!
Primary projects that I have leading contributions on (and topics I am currently interested in):
How to model macroscopic sources of free energy and transport phenomena in diffuse, magnetized plasmas with a sub-dominant fraction relativistic particles? Role of kinetic instabilities in transport and fluid closure
How to produce "cold front" spirals in weakly magnetized clusters? Thermal MHD instabilities
AGN feedback in cluster cores: what matters compressive or incompressive mode?
Distinguishing the physical scenarios between isobaric and isochoric thermal instability: cloud shattering and length scales
Modeling intracluster and circumgalactic medium with a novel approach across redshifts and benchmarking key aspects of galaxy formation physics in the model [PhD thesis component]
Evolution of isobaric thermal instability in the galaxy cluster cores and cores of circumgalactic medium
[PhD thesis component]
Short-term undergraduate students' projects proposed by me (Part III Natural Sciences at University of Cambridge):
Modeling self-consistent temperature dependent quasar mode feedback in cluster cores
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the IGM filaments entering clusters
G-mode turbulence triggered by jetted AGN feedback in clusters
Contribution to the science case in clusters and groups of galaxies for AXIS - a probe class X-ray mission now selected for Phase A at NASA.
Details of microphysics in the diffuse ICM/CGM using X-rays